The words you say and the words you hear have the power to shape your entire life.
And the more sobering thing—the reason for this study—is that your words have the power to shape other people's lives too.
Before you open your mouth again, learn:
• The words you need to hear from others.
• The words your loved ones need from you.
• The words you're most likely to use as weapons.
• The words that will wound your loved ones.
The I Said This, You Heard That® series of resources will change every conflict and conversation you have—for good.
The workbook includes a 40-question assessment, discussion questions, exercises and reading that complement six sessions of teaching videos—available on DVD or free on the I Said This, You Heard That study app.
NEW from Kathleen Edelman!
In her follow up to I Said This, You Heard That, Kathleen is helping parents, teachers, and coaches make sense of the kids around them. The result? Better behavior, better relationships.


Kathleen and Florence

Kathleen Edelman
Thirty years ago, an audiocassette tape changed my life.
My husband and I were newly married, moving from California to Maryland. To keep us entertained on the long cross-country drive, I brought a stash of tapes, including one from Florence Littauer, the author of a book called Personality Plus.
By the time we reached our destination, Florence had changed the entire course of my career. Her talk introduced me to the ideas captured in this study, and I simply couldn’t get enough. I immediately went back to school. I’ve spent the decades since teaching individuals, couples, families, and teams about how their wiring affects their communication.
With this study, I’m thrilled to bring the coaching to you, your marriage, your family, or your team. You’ll experience the assessment I’ve developed over more than a decade. Then you’ll learn how to actually meet the impossible standard the apostle Paul set for us when he said in Ephesians 4:29, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

This has brought so much awareness and grace and understanding to our family. We are better parents and better children to our parents because of it.
Understanding temperaments has taught us to work with each other’s differences rather than fight against them.
In a day and time when emotional intelligence is so essential, you’ll want this for your professional life as well as your personal life. All relationships will benefit from what you learn here. And it’s not overly complicated. Bonus!